Friday, March 29, 2013

Arm Exercises For Women - Lose Those Flabby Bat Wings!

I get requests for arm exercises for women frequently, and it's often the first thing local students in my weight-loss program ask for when they start. Loose flabby arms can be a nightmare for the women who suffer with them, and even fit women can struggle with this problem area.

Today we're going to look at a few methods Asian women use to get their skinny "stick arms" without killing themselves at the gym or going crazy trying to find tops with covering sleeves!

Arm Exercises For Women - My Skinny Asian Method

Honestly you're not going to be able to get your dream body from just an exercise or two in a single article or page. It takes a full program of great nutrition and meals designed to fire up your metabolism to truly lose arm fat once and for all. But you CAN make some progress on the road to success by putting these easy moves into your routine:

1. Chair dips for toning up the underside of the arm.

Grab a chair from your kitchen or dining room and place it in the middle of the floor. While sitting in the chair, place your hands on the edge of the seat, close to where your legs are bent.

Go ahead and push off with your hands, lifting your upper body upward. Move your butt past the edge of the seat (forward of your hands that are holding you up), and slowly lower yourself until your rear-end almost hits the floor.

Now push upwards, using nothing but your arms to move you, until they're almost locked out straight. This up/down movement counts as 1 repetition.

Go ahead and do 3 sets of 8 repetitions, resting for 60 seconds between each set. Repeat this routine twice a week, and you should see your arms become more toned and firm within just the first week.

If you're up for a challenge try placing your legs locked out straight (only heels touching the floor) while you're lowering/raising yourself. This one of my favorite arm exercises for women because it forces you to feel the burn on the back of your arm, where most of the loose fat lingers.

2. Using a Pilates balance ball and two small hand weights.

You'll need a balance ball for this one, the same type that many of us use for Pilates or other routines that require it. You'll also need two 3-pound hand weights, any type are fine and you can find cheap ones at your local Wal-Mart or Target.

Go ahead and sit on the Pilates ball while holding a weight in each hand and your feet on the floor. Now hold your arms straight up over your head, as if you're pointing the weight at the ceiling above. Almost as if you were going to swing the weights down in front of you like a hammer. Your palms should be facing each other at the top, with the weight parallel to the floor.

Now bend both elbows back until the weights are brought down near each of your ears. You're not to move your upper arm, those should remain in place, you're simply lowering your hand weight with your lower arm until they get close to the tops of your shoulders.

Raise and extend your hand and the weight back to the starting position, which counts as 1 repetition. Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions while resting for 60 seconds between sets.

This makes it on my list of favorite arm exercises for women because balancing on the Pilates ball actually works your core at the same time as your arms...which is great because you're fitting in two workouts simultaneously with each repetition!

What If You're Still Not Losing Arm Fat?

If these two exercises aren't getting it done for you, don't worry. You can learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their arms quickly...without starving or doing crazy workouts.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Some Tips To Help You Get A Big Jump Start On Weight Loss

When you are trying to lose weight you need to make sure you are burning more calories than you are taking in. This may sound easy, but sometimes it may not seem to be doing the trick. Here are a couple of ways for you to jumpstart your weight loss efforts.


Weight lifting is a great way to jumpstart your diet, and a fast way to see results. The reason this works is because the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. Another plus is that you are getting great muscle tone and definition at the same time. It may be wise for you to invest in a set of weights that ranges from 3 lbs. to 10 lbs. A set of dumbbells doesn't usually cost a whole lot. When weight lifting you need to remember not to strain yourself, but also not to make it too easy, the point is to gain more muscle.


As you continue your exercise routine you may get used to the intensity level and need to bump it up a little. When you can carry on a conversation during your exercise you may need to boost the intensity. Try making the movements deeper and bigger so your muscles get a better workout. When you start doing this it will make it harder to carry on a whole conversation, short sentences are better. Once again you need to make sure you don't increase the intensity too much at one time.


Even though it is called a routine, you need to make sure you keep yourself interested and having fun. By switching it up a little bit you will keep your mind and body more concentrated on the task at hand. Try working different muscles, remember more muscle means more calorie burn. When you have fun working out it is easier to sick with your program.

Healthy Choices

You may find it difficult to make healthier food choices when trying to lose weight. When you go to get a snack and can only find junk food it is easy to just take it and eat it instead of a healthy snack. When you go to the store buy healthy snacks that you can take with you in the car or to work so that when you do need a snack you have one that wont require extra exercise.


If you know of someone you work with that is also on a diet or trying to lose weight this may work in both of your favors. Challenge each other to see who can walk more throughout the day at work. A pedometer will help you keep track of your steps. Make an effort to walk more anytime you can, such as when you go to the restroom choose one that is further away, or walk to ask someone a question instead of calling or using e-mail. By challenging a coworker you will both increase your efforts and it will benefit both of you.

Food Journal

A food journal is a way for you to keep track of what you are taking in on a daily basis. You need to write down what you eat, when you eat it, and how much of it you ate. You may want to add more information to your journal based on your individual needs. The journal may help you see where you are making mistakes in your food choices. Once you find the problem it will be easier to fix.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Строительно-монтажные работы дорожают

Цены на строительно-монтажные работы (СМР) в Украине в мае 2010 года повысились на 1,9% по сравнению с апрелем, когда их стоимость выросла на 1,4% к марту.

Об этом сообщил Государственный комитет статистики.

Согласно сообщению, по видам экономической деятельности рост цен на СМР был зафиксирован во всех сферах, при этом наибольший - в сфере сельского, охотничьего и лесного хозяйства (3%); в сфере предоставления коммунальных и индивидуальных услуг, деятельности в сфере культуры и спорта (2,9%) и добывающей промышленности (2,7%).

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"Наименьший рост цен - в сфере охране здоровья и предоставления социальной помощи (1%)", - отмечается в нем.

По данным Госкомстата, рост цен по видам зданий и сооружений наблюдался во всех сферах, при этом рост цен на СМР в нежилых зданиях в мае составил 1,9%, в жилых - 1,3% к апрелю текущего года.

Напомним, что цены на СМР в Украине в декабре 2009 года выросли на 8,6% по сравнению с декабрем 2008 годом, тогда как их рост в 2008-м составлял 30,1%.

Как сообщалось ранее, цены на строительно-монтажные работы в Украине за март 2010 года повысились на 1,2% по сравнению с февралем.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Lose Body Fat the Right Way

How to lose body fat is an easy thing to do yet many people find it hard. This is because losing body fat requires patience and dedication which a lot of people forget when they find themselves falling off the weight loss wagon.

When this happens, remember that it is okay and you can still work it off. Giving up is never an option. This simple guide on how to lose body fat the right way will get you to become aware of what you need to do to get your ideal body:

Good Fat vs. Bad Fat

For you to know how to lose body fat, you need to distinguish between the good fat and bad fat. Everyone thinks that fats are bad. Well, not all of them. Fats are divided into two which are the good ones known as the monosaturated fats and the bad ones known as the saturated fats.

Bad fats are the ones that cling hard to you making it difficult for you to lose weight or shed them off. Saturated fats are found in junk foods and other prepackaged products as well as in fast foods.

Good fats are the ones that give you the right energy through the rest of the day. They also give you strength unlike bad fats which slows you down.

Good fats are found in nuts and fish. Also remember that when you want to learn how to lose body fat, you also need to eat fruits and vegetables daily to complete your healthy diet.


Aside from the stuff we eat, we also need to consider what we drink. How to lose body fat includes cutting down on alcoholic beverages, milkshakes, sodas and fruit juices although the 100% percent natural fruit juice is okay.

These drinks contain a lot of sugars that turn into fat inside your body. Like bad fats, they're also hard to work off.

Substitute these drinks with the real thing: water. Water flushes out the harmful contents of these juices and will not make you fat. Water has natural elements that will also keep you hydrated when you're exercising.


Exercising is another way on how to lose body fat. This is the most effective way and it has never failed once.

Exercises that teaches you how to lose body fat includes jogging and swimming but even when you're brisk walking everyday, that helps too. An exercise that lasts for forty-five minutes to an hour every other day can make you burn calories thus making you lose weight.

By exercising regularly, you'll also be keeping your self away from heart risks and diseases. You'll also be strengthening your bones and will develop your muscles. You'll also lose fat that's stuck in some parts of your body that you always wanted to lose. By maintaining a regular exercise, you'll also feel less tired and more energized.

This guide on how to lose body fat is easy enough and with the right discipline, you'll be losing weight in no time.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

The Best Way to Get Rid of Tummy Flab

One of the things nearly everyone wants is a flat belly. But how do you get rid of the tummy flab for real? A lot of people try but it seems that it's harder than what you'd assume. There are people who train for hours on end at the gym week after week and have little to show for it. In fact, I'd say that most people don't know the first thing about what it takes to lose belly flab at all.

So, what is the best way to get rid of tummy fat? In this article, I'll reveal the steps you must take to have any hope of getting any real and noticeable results. I hope that you will take action after reading this article. It will help you finally achieve the results you've been seeking.

The best way to get rid of tummy flab is to not worry about it. Sounds crazy, I know, but it's true. This is the thing that you simply must do in order to flatten your abs. One of the biggest mistakes people make is spend too much time doing tummy exercises. This is the way for mediocre results at best, if any at all.

The reason is that you simply can't choose to lose fat from your abs by doing belly exercises. Your body doesn't act this way. It burns fat from all over and not from the body part you train alone or predominantly. This is just how it is.

The way to burn more tummy fat is to burn more body fat in general. Do that and you will get lean all over, from your abs included. Once you realize this, then you can begin spending your time doing the workouts that burn the most fat in total. You're no longer wasting time or effort on useless belly exercises.

What are these fat burning workouts? What do you need to do?

Here are some tips:

1. Do exercises that train your entire body but place a great focus on your big muscle groups: legs, chest, back. The more muscle tissue you stimulate, the easier it is for you to burn fat.

2. Do circuit workouts in which you perform a set of exercises with no rest. For instance, do some squats and then some bicep curls, and then some shoulder presses. This will keep your body warmer and help you burn more fat.

3. Do high intensity interval training workouts to help you burn even more body fat.

If you workout in this manner and also maintain a sensible diet, you should find it easier to get rid of tummy flab.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Промсвязьбанк — виды кредитов

Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших отечественных банков, который входит в ТОП-10 передовых банковских учреждений страны. На рынке кредитования банковское учреждение предлагает такие типы кредитов:

Потребительский кредит — выдаваемый АКБ Промсвязьбанком физическим и корпоративным лицам для покупки вещей с отсрочкой выплаты за купленные товары и услуги, с последующим выплатой взятых в долг суммы и процентного дохода по ссуде.

Кредитные карты — более современная форма потребительского кредита, дают возможность приобретать разнообразные товары и услуги без необходимости посещать в Промсвязьбанк с определенным лимитом с будущим компенсацией занятых денег банковскому учреждению.

Первостепенными задачами кредитных карт являются снятие наличных средств в банкоматных устройствах или офисах ОАО «Промсвязьбанка», а также отзывы о банках в кассах партнерских кредитных организациях. Помимо этого кредитные карты предоставляют возможность проводить безналичные перечисления денег, а также оплачивать оплату товаров и услуг. Заявка На Кредит.

В банке Промсвязьбанк широко предложено программы по кредитованию жилья. Программа ипотеки позволяет купить квартиру или дом без вложения собственных сбережений, с помощью ресурсов банка, с дальнейшим компенсацией использованных сумм под незначительную процентную ставку. В предметом залога предоставляется покупаемый недвижимый объект. В тоже время, объект залога застраховывается от нанесения повреждений, помимо этого страхуется жизнь и здоровье получившего ипотеку.