Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hypertension and Sex - Things You Need to Know

Are you hypertensive and recently started to notice that you can no longer achieve or maintain erection as you use to? You need to know that there are reasons why you are having such problems; the first being that your condition has brought some structural changes to your system including your sexual organs.

For you to be able to acquire and maintain a strong and perfect erection there ought to be adequate blood flow to your sexual organs through the arteries supplying those organs. Unfortunately with hypertension blood flow to the penile vessels is considerably reduced and as such the pressure needed to produce erection is poor. Don't forget that hypertension either on its own brings about organic dysfunction of some of your body organs or it is in itself a product of other disease conditions like diabetes mellitus which has arteriosclerosis as one of its major complications. When hypertension accompanies diabetes, it is almost certain that erectile dysfunction would soon follow.

The second reason you are unable to enjoy sex anymore is as a result of some of the drugs employed in the treatment of your condition. Some of those drugs produce that nasty effect as a side effect. What this means therefore is that you may be having a double assault (one from the disease and the other from your drugs) on your system. When you discover there is a problem like that you may become anxious and desperate to get out of the tight corner you are held. In an attempt to get out of the problem you may actually compound it if you do not employ the right solutions. Sexual dysfunction is such a sensitive issue that must be handled with care; so you must consult a real professional lest you destroy your sex life completely or even worsen the hypertension by the kind of therapy you adopt.

You must never attempt to remedy this problem on your own by self-medicating because some of the performance enhancing drugs have the ability to elevate your blood pressure further. Most of the drugs used to increase erection actually contain androgen or testosterone which can elevate blood pressure. You need to seek the advice and prescription of a medical doctor who should recommend for you the kind of therapy to apply. Don't use aphrodisiacs that you do not know their contents; you may not even need them. It is possible that what would take care of your problem could be just physical exercise and dietary modification. So watch out for any slightest change in your sex life and see the doctor immediately.

Useful information how to bring blood pressure down

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